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Impala Hunting

Impala Hunting Details


Trophy Impala Ram


Impala Hunt Deposit


Texas Hunt Lodge will take you to Kerr County, Texas for your Trophy Impala Ram Hunt. There are no seasonal restrictions on hunting Big Trophy Impala in Texas, which makes the Impala a suitable trophy year-round.

We typically let our hunters choose the method of hunting Trophy Impala Rams that they prefer. Hunters of Trophy Impala can choose the Spot and Stalk method, Bow Hunting, Rifle Hunting, Black Powder, or Handgun. We can accommodate hunters of any age and experience level, as well as hunters with disabilities. 

This safari hunt may be taken anytime of year as Impala do not lose their horns…they just keep growing as most African Game will do. Most of our Impala will score Gold Medal Class, low 20’s on the horn length.

Originating from the savannas and woodlands of southern Africa, the Impala has adapted well to the Texas landscape, offering hunters a thrilling and exotic wildlife hunting experience without the need to travel overseas. With your guide, you can practice tracking and use camouflage to get closer to your prey. 


Impala Trophy Fee

Trophy Fee is in addition to $395 per day which covers All-Inclusive Hunt Package.
Non-hunting guests may accompany the hunter for an additional $200 per day which covers lodging, meals and amenities as well.

* Prices may vary.

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